Monday, August 21, 2017

My Experience at Graceland Took Me Back to Whitney, Texas

Okay, okay, I know my title makes no sense to you at the moment, but if this story does not give you goosebumps, I'm not sure what will...

So, I can post tons and tons of Graceland photos, which you can easily find online; therefore, I won't.  Instead, I will share with you what happened as I was walking away from Elvis' grave.

As you may know, Elvis Week just occurred to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Elvis' death.  As a result, there were so many beautiful wreaths and monuments from fan clubs and individuals from all over the world placed around the meditation garden.

As I was heading back to the shuttle bus that would drive me away from Graceland, I saw this very odd tribute.  It was a stool, a gold cape, and a microphone.  I was naturally drawn to it because it seemed so out of place next to the others.  As I looked at the sign, it read: "Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left for Graceland.  Thank you, and goodnight." Trying to Get to You EPFC Whitney, Texas

I gasped and tears filled my eyes... Why is that?? Well because you may remember me mentioning yesterday that I really wish my Grandma M. could have joined me at Graceland, and I also posted lyrics from "Trying to Get to You".  My Grandma M. lived in Whitney, Texas, for as far back as my memories of her go.  Maybe you're not a person who is big on signs from the Universe, but to me, that was confirmation that she had been there with me the whole time!!! Quite possibly you will be more convinced once you see how completely random this Whitney, Texas, tribute is compared to the others... It was almost as if I was supposed to notice it...

Some of the other (less random) tributes...

Also, another touching moment for me was when I saw the cologne worn by Elvis.  Every year for Christmas, my mom would buy a Brut cologne set for my Grandpa M.  Now I totally know why my Grandma M. liked that scent so much.  Hahaha!

Finally, when I went to check out the Icons exhibit, I was so pleased to see a quote from Brian Setzer.  I am a HUGE fan of the Stray Cats.  So I'll share that with you too!!

I'll be back with one final summary post tomorrow.  I'm too tired tonight... Sleep peacefully, everyone!!


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